Plumbing, Hydronics, and Water Treatment
Throughout the world, groundwater has different mineral components, which are often undesirable and even in our area there is a wide range of potential minerals in the drinking water. Water treatment is a system to filter/remove any undesirable material, minerals, metals or colorations from the water.
Since the start of the 1900’s, plumbing and construction have been side by side. Virtually every building built has water and sewage requirements.
When remodeling a home, often bathrooms and kitchens are redesigned, moved, or added, this typically requires alterations or overhaul of the existing plumbing infrastructure.
In water treatment applications, UV light provides rapid, effective inactivation of microorganisms such as bacteria. When microorganisms are exposed to UV light, they are instantly sterilized. In circumstances where bacteria are present, UV treatment is often a great effective choice.
Waste water drains are known to clog, from various sources, such as grease, hair, and other items. This often requires the drain to be snaked, cleaned etc.
Many modern homes utilize hydronic heat as a heat source. For many homeowners it is a great choice because it is effective for achieving even temperature distribution and warm floors.
Many homes and businesses have gas heating, cook stoves, water heaters etc. Which run on propane or natural gas. These require a gas supply line to be run for operation of the appliance.
There are several types of water heaters, such as direct, indirect, or on demand. These are all available in both an electric or gas configuration.
“Nothing hard ever got done by sitting on the couch”
— Anonymous